

Kang Song Wook


Advice related to the scope of fractional investment business for artworks and the application of Capital Markets Act

D’LIGHT Law Group advised the client upon the regulation of fractional rights of an artwork which allows many people to jointly invest in or purchase a piece and to distribute proceeds proportionally, whether exhibition or sales proceeds. The review addressed
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Contract Structure to Minimize Risks under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act

D’LIGHT Law Group advised a delivery agency startup on contractual and business structure to minimize the liability under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (“SAPA”). SAPA imposes upon the “business manager” of an enterprise the responsibility to ensure the safety and
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Legality Review of a SAFE Investment with a Token Warrant

DLG has advised a client in the field of acceleration and early-stage investment in the field of Web 3.0 on the entire investment process. The client wanted to receive an initial investment in the form of a Simple Agreement for
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Inclusion of affiliates under the Fair Trade Act in acquisitions of foreign entities

We advised our client on the structure of a transaction that may result in an overseas subsidiary of a client not being included as the client’s affiliate under the Act on Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade (the “Fair Trade Act”).
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