

Cho Yun Hyun


Join Venture between a Korean and Chinese Companies in China and Korea with technology transfer

We assisted a Korean company in forming joint venture companies with a Chinese company in both China and Korea, which also included the transfer of core technology to the subsidiaries by the parents, by providing legal advice and drafting the
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Formation of a Korean Subsidiary of a Foreign Company

We assisted a foreign company to establish a Korean subsidiary under the Foreign Investment Promotion Act by undertaking the procedure for the Foreign Investment Reporting, as well as the documentation and registration of the domestic subsidiary.
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Litigation Succeeded in defending the suspect in the embezzlement case of home shopping broadcast sales

The client operated a home shopping broadcast sales company, and a dispute arose over a fee agreement with a subcontractor. In the end, because the dispute was not settled smoothly, the supplier claimed that the non-payment of the commission was
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Litigation Succeeded in detention and prosecution on charges of fraud by acting as a suing agent for an executive who received service payment back as a rebate through a subcontractor.

The client is a company that supplies automobile equipment and logistics systems, and the respondent resigned after serving as the head of a specific department of the client company. The company caught the situation in which the respondent received a
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Advised on stock exchange with US startups through the acquisition of new stocks for startups and the transfer of old stocks

Advised a promising Korean startup on the process of signing a contract to exchange stock with an American startup. In exchange for the Korean startup’s shareholders to transfer their stock to the American startup, the American startup generated new stock
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Advised on a management delegation contract with a non-resident (foreigner) and a contract granting stock options (stock options) in English

Advised on service agreements in English necessary for non-residents (foreigners) to be appointed as executives of Korean pharmaceutical/bio start-ups. At the same time, the above non-resident executives were given stock options (stock options) from the above startups. A stock option
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Acquisition financing and LBO legal advice

Provided legal advice on overall acquisition finance and LBO to raise funds in the process of asset transfer or business transfer. Various types of underwriting financing are used, such as debt, equity, mixed, and LBO. In addition, legal opinions were
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Advised on legal acquisition of treasury stock and exercise of redemption rights by investors

D’LIGHT Law Group advised startups on how to legally acquire treasury stocks in a situation where investors wish to exercise redemption rights or put options for redeemable convertible preferred stocks they own with respect to startups. There are two ways
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Advised on copyright issues of OTT platform

At the request of a domestic OTT platform company, D’LIGHT Law Group reviewed the potential legal responsibility of the OTT platform company if there is a copyright infringement issue in the content provided by the OTT platform company. In addition,
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Contract Structure to Minimize Risks under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act

D’LIGHT Law Group advised a delivery agency startup on contractual and business structure to minimize the liability under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (“SAPA”). SAPA imposes upon the “business manager” of an enterprise the responsibility to ensure the safety and
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